Friday, June 5, 2020

Strategic Alternatives in Healthcare Organizations Essay - 275 Words

Strategic Alternatives in Healthcare Organizations (Essay Sample) Content: Strategic Alternatives in Healthcare OrganizationsNameInstitutionStrategic Alternatives in Healthcare OrganizationsNoticeably, the environment in which public health organization operates is dynamic, unpredictable and often turbulent. Usually, strategic planning that involves the use of alternative approaches to solving challenges in the operational environment is common in private institutions and can have enormous advantages in the public healthcare organizations as well. Using alternative strategies helps organizations to take advantage of opportunities because they outline a clear purpose, commitment and offers enthusiasm. Typically, the alternative strategies for healthcare organizations focus on allocation of resources and decision making to enable such institutions compete in the market medical care service providers. In essence, this paper summarizes articles on different strategies and illustrates their relevance to my healthcare organization.Jacobson, P. D., Dalton, V. K., Berson-Grand, J., Weisman, C. S. (2010). Survival Strategies for Michigan's Health Care Safety Net Providers: Survival Strategies for Health Care Safety Net Providers. Health Services Research. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "/pmc/articles/PMC1361175/" /pmc/articles/PMC1361175/Summary of the ArticleThe authors of the peer-reviewed article point out the survival concerns of the safety net organizations about political threats, increasing demand for services and the declining resources. Agreeably, these factors contribute to the periodic scrutiny of the United States healthcare safety net. The authors of the article discuss the findings of a multiple-site case study of the alternative strategies that Michigan health care safety net organizations have considered as some of the workable adaptations in response to the increasingly challenging financial environment. Moreover, the authors examine the effect of healthcare changes on the adaptive strategies and the healthcare acc ess implications for the underserved and uninsured groups. Finally, the authors conclude that the survival of the health care safety net organizations depends on their ability to implement coping strategies and any other policy interventions relevant for long-term sustainability.Relevance of the Article to My OrganizationWith the increasingly challenging financial environment, healthcare organizations face competing priorities to survive. Perhaps, an organization, which has the best adaptive or coping strategies, is the one, which remains function even with the financial challenges reality. Noticeably, it is hard to establish consensus concerning the optimal survival strategy. In essence, there is a need to raise funds and establish strong collaborations with other health institutions to enhance continuous delivery of quality health care at affordable costs. The article analyzes different adaptive strategies and evaluates them to determine their relevance in the current financial si tuations. Pertinently, this information is valuable to my organization because it gives insight into the best coping alternative interventions and strategies in response to the increasingly challenging financial circumstances in healthcare settings.Eqbert, N., Nanna, K. M. (2009). Health Literacy: Challenges and Strategies. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 14(3). Retrieved from /MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol142009/No3Sept09/Health-Literacy-Challenges.htmlSummary of the ArticleHealth literacy is a relatively new concept in the healthcare setting. In respect to this, healthy literacy has attracted the attention of clinicians, researchers and policy makers because of its remarkable impact on well-being and health. The article recognizes the significant amount of confusion relating to health literacy and its connections with healthcare delivery outcomes. Essentially, the peer-reviewed article reveals the scope of health literacy and e xamines ways that clinicians and researchers can minimize its adverse impact on healthcare outcomes. Primarily, the article outlines the definitions of health literacy in a brief overview. In addition, the authors discusses the concepts of processing, obtaining, understanding and using information which entail a working framework for analyzing both the problems of inadequate health literacy and strategies to address incidences of low health literacy. Furthermore, the authors conclude by delineating areas of research essential for advancing the conceptualization of the health literacy.Relevance of the Article to My OrganizationAmong the current proliferation of health literacy research, the article is one of the important sources of information that can benefit health care professionals or providers. While much has been done to examine the challenges in respect to different populations coping with many health issues, a gap exists between the best practice in health delivery instituti ons and research findings. The information in the article provides alternative strategies that physicians and healthcare organizations to minimize the adverse impact of health literacy on patient outcomes. Furthermore, the article provides ways in which clinicians can obtain tailored health information, a move that will improve the quality of healthcare outcomes in my organization.AnnMarie, P., Venella, J. (2013). Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Strategies for Advocacy. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(1). Retrieved from /MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-18-2013/No1-Jan-2013/Workplace-Violence-Strategies-for-Advocacy.htmlSummary of the ArticleWith the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reporting that more than two million workers in America encounter workplace violence each year, the authors of this article presents pertinent information on the issue. Specifically, the article discusses the settings where viole nce in the workplace occurs, as well as giving a concise overview of the concept. In fact, the authors outline the broad spectrum of workplace violence that comprises violent acts by visitors, coworkers, and patients. Notably, the authors analyze the indirect and direct financial impact of violent behaviors or acts including stress related illnesses, higher turnover, attendance issues, jury awards for injuries, increased leave requests among others. Pertinently, the article discusses advocacy strategies that are essential for nurses to address workplace violence incidences at different levels such as education and legislative advocacy.Relevance of the Article to My OrganizationAdmittedly, understanding workplace violence as something, which is not part of the providerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s job, is pertinent to enhancing the healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. While providing education, creating and enforcing policies are essential to curb workplace violence; the alternative strategies d iscussed in the article are relevant in the current healthcare settings. The article outlines some of the additional strategies that would be relevant to my organization including dedicated security personnel and metal detectors. Moreover, the article discusses the financial implications of acts of violence, which provides significant information for my organization to understand the consequences of such violent acts and prepare for their prevention. With the competing interests of healthcare institutions such as building the reputation and making profits, the article provides significant information for my organization to achieve these purposes.Dingley, C., Daugherty, K., Derieg, M. K., Persing, R. (2008). Improving Patient Safety Through Provider Communication Strategy Enhancements. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US, 3. Retrieved from /books/NBK43663/Summary of the ArticleNotably, the peer-reviewed article covers a study conducted to formulate, implement and assess a comprehensive team or provider communication approach. Admittedly, ineffective communication among physicians and other healthcare professionals is one of the significant causes of patient harm and medical errors. The authors of the article discuss the main aims including the implementation of a daily multidisciplinary patient-centered rounds, a standardized escalation process and a structured communication tool using a daily team huddles; and goals sheet. In respect to the 495 communication events analyzes from the study after the toolkit implementation indicated a high resolution of patient issues, increased nurse communication satisfaction and decreased time to treatment. Pertinently, the study demonstrates the essence of utilizing communication strategies and teamwork among healthcare professionals working in the client/ patient care setting.Relevance of the Article to My OrganizationIn most cases organizations tend to over-emphasize that error-free performance occurs because o f professional training and effort, a notion that ignores the inherent human factors such as interpersonal communication. Often, the failure to emphasize on effective communication strategies can lead to a culture of unrealistic blame and expectations. In essence, the toolkit developed from the study is useful to my organization because it provides alternative communication strategies, and a means to implement teamwork in the health care settings. Because ineffective communication compromises quality patient outcomes, the interventions and alternative strategies to improve interpersonal communication in healthcare settings as discussed in the article are useful for preventing adverse patient outcomes in my organization.CHUNG, C. H., Ma, H. X., Hong, L. C., Griffiths, S. M. (2012). Organizational Dete...

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