Sunday, December 29, 2019

Criminal Justice 4 Reasons Women Make Successful Law Enforcement Officers 2019

Women have historically been the minority among U.S. law enforcement officers. That number is growing, however, and leading to significant advantages in communities. As of 2017, 16% of federal law enforcement officers were women. associate degree in criminal justice online programs are making it easier and more convenient for women to pursue effective training. A recent study by the National Center for Women and Policing revealed 4 key factors that make women successful in the law enforcement field: Female officers with associate degree in criminal justice online credentials handle incidences of violence against women more effectively than male officers. Violence against women accounts for about half of all violent crime calls to police. Women officers with associate degree in criminal justice online credentials are not as likely as male officers to use excessive force when dealing with situations. Studies have shown that physical strength is not a predictor of either general police effectiveness or the ability to appropriately respond to dangerous situations. Female officers with associate degree in criminal justice online credentials are proponents of community-oriented policing. They tend to encourage communication and cooperation and utilize informal problem solving. Women officers with associate degree in criminal justice online credentials help to decrease the occurrence of sexual discrimination and harassment. Their mere presence helps to diffuse negative gender-biased cultures within law enforcement agencies. .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4:active, .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .uc52464cd230978db285aa3c3d4beaba4:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Michigan Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus-Based Education in MichiganThe success of women as law enforcement officers is changing the way policing is practiced in the U.S. and internationally. Aspiring police officers can take the first step towards a career in law enforcement by earning an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice online. More details about the program are available by searching Criminal Justice degree schools. For more information on careers and degrees in criminal justice, prospective students are encouraged to visit, the leading education and career resource website. Related ArticlesCareer in Criminal Justice with an Associate Degree 5 Little Known Facts about Life as Police OfficerEmployment Opportunities in Criminal JusticeBachelor Criminal Justice Degree Online Could St. Louis Use more Criminal Justice College GraduatesCriminal Justice Degree College Online College Proves to be a Smart Choice for Maryland Working ProfessionalsCriminal Justice and the Masters DegreeAfter Graduation From a Criminal Justice Degree Program .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c:active, .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef 8f4f4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u143a88f0d770ef171504bc88ef8f4f4c:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ The Brilliance the Possibilities of E-Commerce Marketing

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Love Turned Evil Essay - 1189 Words

Love Turned Evil If only they had never gone#8230;to fetch the Golden Fleece! Then neither would Medea, my mistress, ever have set sail for the walled town of Iolcus, mad love for Jason#8230; (Sanderson 14). This quote is the opening lines to Euripides tragic play, Medea (Blaiklock 234). Their predestined fates all begin with Jason and his conquest for the Golden Fleece (Hamilton 161). Medea, known to be a powerful sorceress, was hit by Cupids arrow and fell madly in love with Jason (Sanderson 3). It was Aphrodite and Heras plan for Medea to aid Jason in his adventures even though it meant betraying her father, her homeland, and the death of her brother (Hamilton 168). Going against her father, Medea retrieved the†¦show more content†¦In the classic tragic drama Medea, Euripides illustrates how the power of love can be used as evil. Love is the significant issue and driving force of the play Medea (Zuger 29). It is depicted in many different ways throughout the course of the plot ( Zuger 29). At first, Medea could not resist her love and was astounded with incredible desire for Jason (Sanderson 3). She could not yield to her love and went against her father and homeland (Sanderson 3). Jason had made an oath to marry her and take her away with him but, in the end, went against his word (Sanderson 6). Medea blamed her overwhelming passion and love on her actions (Zuger 29). Even though Medea had so much love for Jason, he was still to wed the Kings daughter (Sanderson 6). In fear of Medeas sorcery, the King intended to banish Medea and her sons from the country (Hamilton 176). Exiled from her homeland and from her family, Medea had nowhere to go (Sanderson 6). Guilty and regretful of all she had sacrificed, her outraged love and misery of her ruined life motivated her plans of destruction (Hamilton 176). Medeas intense love for Jason turned to hatred. The meaning of love is lost to Medea as disgust and spite conquer her heart (Zuger 29). The play Medea blames the act of love as a result of its sorrowful end (Zuger 30). Vengeance was Medeas main determination (Sanderson 6).Show MoreRelatedThe Creation Of God And Frankenstein982 Words   |  4 Pagesstorm to â€Å"breathe life† into his monster. Frankenstein created his monster for an evil purpose: to avoid death and defeat God. It took Frankenstein years to finish his monster. His creation was built like a giant. Because he had an impure intent, his monster became evil once it was brought to life. According to Bissonette, Frankenstein s monster was not evil, he was just an abused child who was taught to be evil (Shelley). Both creators were trying to make a man, but they had very differentRead MoreGrendel Isolation Essay859 Words   |  4 Pagesbecame evil. Isolation and darkness were two important images used throughout the novel. In the beginning, baby Grendel was an innocent being. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Nursing and Patient Free Essays

Nursing is a profession in which professionalism and high moral character go hand in hand. Nurses have access to very important information and care for patients during critical times in their lives. Because of the nature of work that a nurse does, they must always maintain professionalism to ensure that their patients have the upmost trust in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing and Patient or any similar topic only for you Order Now A. Functional Differences In order to become a registered nurse, one must pass nursing school and then go on to pass a test given by their state regulatory agency, such as the board of nursing (BON). The state board of nursing has many different duties. One of the many duties of a BON is to grant and renew nursing licenses. The BON can also take disciplinary review of nurses. It will review a complaint against a nurse’s actions and then decide whether they should suspend, restrict or revoke a nurse’s license (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 78). A professional nursing organization (PNO), like the emergency nurse association (ENA), is a private organization to which a nurse is a member. A private nurse’s organization may lobby legislature for the interest of the association’s members and to better the nursing profession as whole. A PNO may also hold seminars to further educate the members and to keep their practices the most up to date. For example, the ENA usually holds a yearly seminar where many topics are covered throughout the week in regards to emergency nursing. Overall a PNO provides a united front for specific areas of nursing or for nursing as a whole. A PNO represents the members and a regulatory agency, such as the BON, represents the people for who the nurses will be taking care of. B. Nursing Code Examples The nursing code of ethics plays a huge role in the way nurses care for patients. Nurses should always treat patients with the respect they deserve. For most people, being in the hospital is a very stressful and foreign event. It can lead to the patient not always being their normal, happy self. Even when the patient was upset and not exactly in the best mood, I would respect the patient and do whatever I could to ensure that I have helped the patient. I have found that if you give a patient the respect they deserve, that no matter what, they always tend to be thankful and appreciative for your help. Being respectful facilitates a trusting relationship between nurse and patient. Another part of the nursing code of ethics that I apply to my nursing practice is to always advocate for the patient. For example, there are times when doctors will put in orders that I may question or not completely understand. Instead of just doing what the doctor orders in those circumstances, I question the doctor and make them explain the order so I understand it. If I do not agree with the order, I would tell the doctor and work it out with them. The needs and safety of patients should always be the number one priority. C. Professional Traits Working with an interdisciplinary team allows everyone to bring their own traits and beliefs to help ensure the best care for the patient. I would bring many great traits to an interdisciplinary team. The first would be the acceptance of accountability and responsibility. When working with an interdisciplinary team, I would always accept responsibility for the patient and would hold myself accountable for the care that the patient receives. I may be following the orders of another member of the team, but in the end, it is me that is responsible for my own actions. That is a very important concept to remember when working as part of a team. I would also ensure the patients privacy is always respected. When working with a group, there is always an increased risk of the patient’s privacy being violated. I would do everything in my power to ensure that the patient’s privacy is always respected. I would ensure only essential team members have access to the patient’s information and would make sure the environment is conducive to protecting privacy. I would also respect the patient’s right to self-determination. While working with an interdisciplinary team, it can be easy for some members of the team to forget that the patient is ultimately the one in control. My job is to always encourage the patient to do what they feel is best for themselves and to respect their wishes. A person may decide that they do not want a particular treatment that is part of the plan and it is my job to protect their right to say no to that treatment. I would also work on advancing my nursing profession through knowledge development, dissemination, and application to practice. Nursing is a profession that is always changed and evolving. New research for things like better standards of care and new procedures are always coming out. As part of a team, I should always be the most up to date on my education. Being informed and continuing my education allows me to be a better team member and it also allows the patient to have the best care. D. Nursing Theories Nursing theories have a definite impact on the day-to-day practices of nurses. Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care deficit model is something that all nurses do without even realizing it. In Dorothea Orem’s model, she states that when a patient renders an insult, there is a self-care deficit, which makes nursing interventions necessary (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 98). When a patient comes into the ER with a newly diagnosed illness, they are often unsure of what to do, or how to proceed from there. Without even thinking about doing it, nurses automatically help patients overcome these new obstacles in life. For example, a patient that has had a recent hip replacement must learn how to care for their new hip. A nurse caring for this patient will help that patient understand their new limited mobility and how to return to their pre hospital lifestyle the best they can. Another great example of this model is a diabetic patient. In order to live a normal life with diabetes, a patient must be instructed how to take their diabetic medication, what kind of diet to eat, and the signs and symptoms of high or low blood sugar. Without the nurse’s help and specific interventions for the patient, the patient may not be able to return to their normal level of functioning. A nurses goal for a patient is to always return them to their previous level of functioning and if that isn’t able to happen, to get them to their optimum level of self-functioning (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 98). Nursing interventions and helping patients recover from illness is what nursing is all about. Orem’s nursing theory model is the model that many nurses strive to achieve during their nursing careers. E. Historical Figure The nursing profession as we know it today would not be here if not for the actions and contributions of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale established infection control and a way of maintaining patients records (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 10). By far the most important aspect of nursing that Florence Nightingale contributed to is infection control. Infection control was unheard of before Florence Nightingale. Her help during the Crimean War helped establish aseptic techniques for nursing and stressed the importance of infection control in helping patients to heal, instead of dying from their illnesses. Even today infection control is a corner stone of nursing practices. The first thing nurses learn in nursing school is proper hand washing techniques and how to avoid spreading germs to patients. Florence Nightingale’s contributions to the nursing made nursing the profession it is today. F. Scenario Patient advocacy is one of the most important jobs a nurse is entrusted to do. A perfect example of being a patient advocate happened to me when I was helping a patient protect his autonomy. I was caring for an elderly gentleman who had terminal cancer and came into the ER short of breath. The patient was really working to breath and the doctors and family wanted to intubate the patient to help him. The patient was alert and orientated and kept stating that he did not want to be intubated or to have any resuscitation efforts. I respected the patient’s wishes and informed the doctor that we would not be intubating this patient due to his wishes. The doctor was reluctant but finally agreed and together we explained this to the family. The patient was able to have wishes respected and wasn’t pushed into something he wanted. Beneficence is something that is at the heart of nursing. Nurses do this all the time without even giving it a second thought. The first scenario that comes to my mind when I think of beneficence is when I had a child come into the ER with a broken leg. Without even hesitating, I knew the first thing I needed to do for this child was to manage his pain. I went out of my way to find a doctor for a medication order and was immediately on the phone with pharmacy so I would be able to pull the medication out of the omnicell without any lag time. I was able to get his pain managed in about 7 minutes after he was wheeled into my ER room. The family and the patient were very thankful for everything that I did for them. Conclusion Professionalism and nursing are interrelated. Without professionalism, patients wouldn’t be able to respect and trust their nurse, making establishing a relationship impossible. When a nurse and patient are able to establish a relationship based on professionalism and trust, anything is possible when it comes to the care and overall well-being of the patient. How to cite Nursing and Patient, Papers Nursing and Patient Free Essays Nursing is a profession in which professionalism and high moral character go hand in hand. Nurses have access to very important information and care for patients during critical times in their lives. Because of the nature of work that a nurse does, they must always maintain professionalism to ensure that their patients have the upmost trust in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing and Patient or any similar topic only for you Order Now A. Functional Differences In order to become a registered nurse, one must pass nursing school and then go on to pass a test given by their state regulatory agency, such as the board of nursing (BON). The state board of nursing has many different duties. One of the many duties of a BON is to grant and renew nursing licenses. The BON can also take disciplinary review of nurses. It will review a complaint against a nurse’s actions and then decide whether they should suspend, restrict or revoke a nurse’s license (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 78). A professional nursing organization (PNO), like the emergency nurse association (ENA), is a private organization to which a nurse is a member. A private nurse’s organization may lobby legislature for the interest of the association’s members and to better the nursing profession as whole. A PNO may also hold seminars to further educate the members and to keep their practices the most up to date. For example, the ENA usually holds a yearly seminar where many topics are covered throughout the week in regards to emergency nursing. Overall a PNO provides a united front for specific areas of nursing or for nursing as a whole. A PNO represents the members and a regulatory agency, such as the BON, represents the people for who the nurses will be taking care of. B. Nursing Code Examples The nursing code of ethics plays a huge role in the way nurses care for patients. Nurses should always treat patients with the respect they deserve. For most people, being in the hospital is a very stressful and foreign event. It can lead to the patient not always being their normal, happy self. Even when the patient was upset and not exactly in the best mood, I would respect the patient and do whatever I could to ensure that I have helped the patient. I have found that if you give a patient the respect they deserve, that no matter what, they always tend to be thankful and appreciative for your help. Being respectful facilitates a trusting  relationship between nurse and patient. Another part of the nursing code of ethics that I apply to my nursing practice is to always advocate for the patient. For example, there are times when doctors will put in orders that I may question or not completely understand. Instead of just doing what the doctor orders in those circumstances, I question the doctor and make them explain the order so I understand it. If I do not agree with the order, I would tell the doctor and work it out with them. The needs and safety of patients should always be the number one priority. C. Professional Traits Working with an interdisciplinary team allows everyone to bring their own traits and beliefs to help ensure the best care for the patient. I would bring many great traits to an interdisciplinary team. The first would be the acceptance of accountability and responsibility. When working with an interdisciplinary team, I would always accept responsibility for the patient and would hold myself accountable for the care that the patient receives. I may be following the orders of another member of the team, but in the end, it is me that is responsible for my own actions. That is a very important concept to remember when working as part of a team. I would also ensure the patients privacy is always respected. When working with a group, there is always an increased risk of the patient’s privacy being violated. I would do everything in my power to ensure that the patient’s privacy is always respected. I would ensure only essential team members have access to the patient’s information and would make sure the environment is conducive to protecting privacy. I would also respect the patient’s right to self-determination. While working with an interdisciplinary team, it can be easy for some members of the team to forget that the patient is ultimately the one in control. My job is to always encourage the patient to do what they feel is best for themselves and to respect their wishes. A person may decide that they do not want a particular treatment that is part of the plan and it is my job to protect their right to say no to that treatment. I would also work on advancing my nursing profession through knowledge development, dissemination, and application to practice. Nursing is a profession that is always changed and evolving. New research for things like better standards of care and new procedures are always coming out. As part of a team, I should always be the most up to date on my education. Being informed and continuing my education allows me to be a better team member and it also allows the patient to have the best care. D. Nursing Theories Nursing theories have a definite impact on the day-to-day practices of nurses. Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care deficit model is something that all nurses do without even realizing it. In Dorothea Orem’s model, she states that when a patient renders an insult, there is a self-care deficit, which makes nursing interventions necessary (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 98). When a patient comes into the ER with a newly diagnosed illness, they are often unsure of what to do, or how to proceed from there. Without even thinking about doing it, nurses automatically help patients overcome these new obstacles in life. For example, a patient that has had a recent hip replacement must learn how to care for their new hip. A nurse caring for this patient will help that patient understand their new limited mobility and how to return to their pre hospital lifestyle the best they can. Another great example of this model is a diabetic patient. In order to live a normal life with diabetes, a patient must be instructed how to take their diabetic medication, what kind of diet to eat, and the signs and symptoms of high or low blood sugar. Without the nurse’s help and specific interventions for the patient, the patient may not be able to return to their normal level of functioning. A nurses goal for a patient is to always return them to their previous level of functioning and if that isn’t able to happen, to get them to their optimum level of self-functioning (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 98). Nursing interventions and helping patients recover from illness is what nursing is all about. Orem’s nursing theory model is the model that many nurses strive to achieve during their nursing careers. E. Historical Figure The nursing profession as we know it today would not be here if not for the actions and contributions of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale established infection control and a way of maintaining patients records (Cherry Jacob, 2011, p. 10). By far the most important aspect of nursing that Florence Nightingale contributed to is infection control. Infection control was unheard of before Florence Nightingale. Her help during the Crimean War helped establish aseptic techniques for nursing and stressed the importance of infection control in helping patients to heal, instead of dying from their illnesses. Even today infection control is a corner stone of nursing practices. The first thing nurses learn in nursing school is proper hand washing techniques and how to avoid spreading germs to patients. Florence Nightingale’s contributions to the nursing made nursing the profession it is today. F. Scenario Patient advocacy is one of the most important jobs a nurse is entrusted to do. A perfect example of being a patient advocate happened to me when I was helping a patient protect his autonomy. I was caring for an elderly gentleman who had terminal cancer and came into the ER short of breath. The patient was really working to breath and the doctors and family wanted to intubate the patient to help him. The patient was alert and orientated and kept stating that he did not want to be intubated or to have any resuscitation efforts. I respected the patient’s wishes and informed the doctor that we would not be intubating this patient due to his wishes. The doctor was reluctant but finally agreed and together we explained this to the family. The patient was able to have wishes respected and wasn’t pushed into something he wanted. Beneficence is something that is at the heart of nursing. Nurses do this all the time without even giving it a second thought. The first scenario that comes to my mind when I think of beneficence is when I had a child come into the ER with a broken leg. Without even hesitating, I knew the first thing I needed to do for this child was to manage his pain. I went out of my way to find a doctor for a medication order and was immediately on the phone with pharmacy so I would be able to pull the medication out of the omnicell without any lag time. I was able to get his pain managed in about 7 minutes after he was wheeled into my ER room. The family and the patient were very thankful for everything that I did for them. Conclusion Professionalism and nursing are interrelated. Without professionalism, patients wouldn’t be able to respect and trust their nurse, making establishing a relationship impossible. When a nurse and patient are able to establish a relationship based on professionalism and trust, anything is possible when it comes to the care and overall well-being of the patient. How to cite Nursing and Patient, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The New Healthcare Facility Poinciana Regional Hospital Essay Sample free essay sample

Poinciana Regional Hospital ( PRH ) is the new wellness attention installation with a full service 200 bed for- net income wellness attention organisation. Twenty-four hours exigency room services will be provided. The services offered will concentrate on grownup attention. This installation will be employee the best doctors for the most hard Cancer. Throughout this paper. a elaborate organisational chart for PRH will be provided. every bit good as the mission. vision. and values statement. The processs that govern the hospital- doctor and physician- patient relationship and the referral services that will be offered will be described. In add-on. a equal reappraisal system will be created. Finally. a outline of how HMO insurance will be handled will be provided. Poinciana Regional Hospital ( PRH ) Organizational Chart Mission. vision. and values statement for Poinciana Regional Hospital Mission Statementâ€Å"The mission of Poinciana Regional Hospital ( PRH ) is to supply the highest quality health-care services to the communities ; we serve in a compassionate and lovingness environment. We will write a custom essay sample on The New Healthcare Facility: Poinciana Regional Hospital Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page PRH is the place of integrative and compassionate malignant neoplastic disease attention. We neer stop seeking for and supplying powerful and advanced therapies to mend the whole individual. better quality of life and reconstruct hope â€Å" . Vision StatementPRH will separate itself as a leader in redefining health-care bringing and will be recognized for the passion of its people and spouses in supplying quality. advanced attention to the patients. ValuessService* We strive to expect and run into the demands of our patients. doctors and colleagues. Patient First* We strive to present the best to every patient every twenty-four hours. The patient is our first precedence in everything we do. Integrity* We communicate openly and candidly. construct trust and behavior ourselves harmonizing to the highest ethical criterions. and ethical motives. Respect* We treat each person. those we serve and those with whom we work. with the highest professionalism and self-respect. Hospital-physician and Physician-patient relationship Harmonizing to Showalter ( 2012 ) . † The responsibility of a infirmary is to hold its employees use the same sensible degree of attention as that practiced in similar infirmaries. Patients in PRH are entitled to the attention that their conditions require. To turn out a breach of this responsibility the complainant must normally bring forth adept testimony about how similar clinicians and hospital dainty this sort of case† ( p. 126 ) . â€Å"Under the theory of respondeat superior. the employer is apt for the Acts of the Apostless of its employees because the employer controlled the agencies and methods of the employee’s work. So. a doctor can be held apt for carelessness of he or she is an employee of the infirmary or is represented as an agent of the hospital† ( Showalter. 2012 ) â€Å"Under the philosophy of corporate liability. PRH owes a legal responsibility to the patient and the responsibility is non transferred to the medical staff or other forces. Physicians and establishments have a responsibility to warn patients of known hazards when giving a medical device. This includes informing patients of hazards that became known after the device was given. † ( Showalter. 2012 ) . PRH have a corporate responsibility to hold a follow proper regulations. ordinances. or systems in topographic point when indicated by recognized professional criterions. PRH can be held apt for breach of an bing regulation by jurisprudence. ordinance. or accreditation criterion. In add-on. the failure to hold appropriate regulations necessary for patient safety may be corporate carelessness. A physician with staff privileges at a infirmary agrees to a doctor/patient relationship with whom of all time comes into the infirmary. Physician’s on-call to handle exigency patients are under a responsibility to handle patients ( Miller. 2010 ) . â€Å"A defendant doctor may be found apt for medical malpractice if the complainant patient can set up that there was in fact a patient-physician relationship ; that the doctor breached ( i. e. . violated or departed from ) the recognized criterion of medical attention in the intervention of the patient ; that the patient suffered an hurt for which he or she should be compensated ; and that the physician’s misdemeanor of the criterion of attention was the cause of the injury† ( Showalter. 2012 ) . Medical malpractice dominates the headlines. but a more basic legal inquiry affecting medical attention is t he affirmatory responsibility. if any. to supply medical intervention. Doctor has no responsibility to accept a patient. regardless of the badness of the unwellness. A physician’s relationship with a patient was understood to be a voluntary. contracted one. Once the relationship was established. the doctor was under a legal duty to supply medical intervention and was a fiducial in this regard. Once the physician-patient relationship exists. the doctor can be held apt for an knowing refusal of attention or intervention. under the theory of Abandonment. When a intervention relationship exists. the physician must supply all necessary intervention to a patient unless the relationship is ended by the patient or by the doctor. provided that the physician gives the patient sufficient notice to seek another beginning of medical attention ( Russell. 2000 ) . In Poinciana Regional Hospital to travel frontward with a malpractice suit. a patient must be prepared to turn out all four Ds of carelessness listed by The American Medical Association ( AMA ) : 1. Duty. Patients must demo that a physician-patient relationship existed in which the doctor owed the patient a responsibility. 2. Derelict. Patients must demo that the doctor failed to follow with the criterions of the profession. For illustration. a gynaecologist has routinely taken Pap vilifications of a patient and so. for whatever ground. does non make so. If the patient so shows grounds of cervical malignant neoplastic disease. the doctor could be said to hold been creaky. 3. Direct cause. Patients must demo that any amendss were a direct cause of a physician’s breach of responsibility. For illustration. if a patient fell on the pavement and damaged her dramatis personae. she could non turn out that the dramatis personae was damaged because it was falsely or ill applied by her doctor. It would be clear that the harm to the dramatis personae resulted from the autumn. If. nevertheless. the patient’s leg healed falsely because of the manner the dramatis personae had been applied. she might hold a instance. 4. Damagess. Patients must turn out that they suffered hurt. Referral ServicesPoinciana Regional Hospital is committed to supplying our community with local entree to an expansive scope of up to day of the month interventions for malignant neoplastic disease. A comprehensive scope of referral services are available. Referral services include the latest in diagnostic engineerings. comprehensive medical and radiation therapies and entree to the broadest scope of clinical tests available. The centre besides houses the Center for Integrative Care. which offers a host of complementary therapies ( massage. stylostixis. mending touch. Reiki ) designed to assist the whole person-body. head and spirit. Diagnostic Radiology The Imaging Department plays a critical function in naming and handling malignant neoplastic disease. The hospital’s radiotherapists have province of the art equipment to utilize in doing diagnosings. including: * PET Scanner* Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI )* CT scans* atomic medical specialty* mammography Post MastectomyOur plan helps breast malignant neoplastic disease patients successfully complete their recovery after surgery and restart their former work and recreational activities. Working with skilled healers. patients can increase motion in and usage of their weaponries and shoulders and forestall farther development of cicatrix tissue or adhesions. Most significantly. the therapy helps to diminish hurting and stiffness Rehabilitation Servicess The Poinciana infirmary offers a comprehensive scope of inmate and outpatient rehabilitation services to assist malignant neoplastic disease patients with their recovery. Patients may have therapy from one or more subjects. The staff aid patients with a assortment of conditions. such as failing related to lymphoma. neurological shortages caused by encephalon or spinal cord tumours. and speech shortages caused by tumours in the pharynx. Oncology patients who are significantly limited by hurting have entree to the Mapleton Center’s Pain Management Program. Social Work Clinical societal workers assist with emotional. economic and societal demands associated with malignant neoplastic disease intervention and aid happen available community resources. Breast Health NavigatorThe Breast Health Navigator helps breast malignant neoplastic disease patients and their households maneuver successfully through the wellness attention system. Our Breast Health Navigator is a trained oncology nurse who provides emotional support and helps guide patients through their chest malignant neoplastic disease intervention. from diagnosing to recovery and beyond. The Breast Health Navigator can urge resources and supply referrals to societal workers. psychologists. support and medical staff. Peer Review System Peer-review. the critical rating of patient attention by professional co-workers. is the duty of the Medical Staff to develop a formal equal reappraisal policy in order to better the overall quality of attention and to increase the engagement of the Medical Staff in the go oning development of safe. first-class attention ( Showalter. 2012 ) . Participants in the reappraisal procedure include the Department chairs and members. A equal is defined as a individual or individuals who have tantamount preparation and instruction as the individual under position. For equal reappraisal intents. MD and DO grades are considered equals. Cases are referred for Peer Review to the MD Reviewers or designees. Bases of indexs are established by several Departments. The Peer Reviewer will reexamine all referred instances. If the instance was appropriate and criterion of attention was met. it will be so celebrated with any remarks on the Peer Review Activity Report. and returned to the Quality Managemen t/Utilization Review section in a timely mode. If there is a inquiry or concern about the instance. the inquiry or concern will be noted on the Peer Review Activity Report. and referred to the several section for reappraisal. The involved doctor will be notified in progress of the meeting that his/her instance will be discussed to help in the reappraisal and receive immediate feedback ( Campbell. 2011 ) . Medical staff duties critical to effectual inadvertence of the equal reappraisal procedure include ( Showalter. 2012 ) : * Standardizing and organizing the instance reappraisal procedure to guarantee dependability. * Ensuring consistent reading of physician public presentation informations. * Choosing relevant physician steps for all public presentation dimensions or general competences. * Guaranting that informations is consistently collected and analyzed. * Guaranting that identified public presentation betterment chances are addressed. * Ensuring handiness of physician public presentation informations for feedback and reappoi ntment. * Prioritizing the usage of resources for mensurating physician public presentation. Today the two work manus in manus. and peer reappraisal best direction patterns are emerging that infirmaries need to see. Obviously. the base-line of best patterns is for the infirmary and peer reappraisal to run into all mandated province and Federal Torahs and to follow declared infirmary policy. every bit good as the guidelines documented in its equal reappraisal manual. Clinical Peer Process Flow HMO InsuranceHealth Maintenance Organization Network of wellness attention suppliers includes physicians. infirmaries. pharmaceuticss and other medical installations and professionals. The web works together to pull off the quality and cost of each member’s wellness attention ( Bihari. 2010 ) . Each HMO wellness insurance member selects a Primary Care Physician ( PCP ) from a directory of take parting doctors in the countries of general pattern. household pattern. internal medical specialty or paediatricss. The PCP will organize all of the member’s wellness attention demands. If the PCP can efficaciously supply attention. he will. If he determines a specializer is needed. he will mention the member to a Participating Specialist in the HMO wellness web. A patient must have a referral from a doctor before sing a specializer outside the supplier web. HMOs operate on a postpaid footing. doing monthly capitation ( i. e. . per patient ) payments to take parting doctors and physician groups. Members enjoy lower out-of-pocket-expenses compared to traditional Indemnity medical insurance. Visits to the doctor’s office. infirmary charges and many other medical attention disbursals are covered at 100 % after a little copayment. Generally. prescription drugs. everyday physicals. lab trials. vision tests. well-baby attention and pregnancy visits are covered. Make non necessitate to pay an one-year deductible before services are covered. No life-time upper limit ( Bihari. 2010 ) . DecisionThe patient-physician relationship is cardinal to supplying and having first-class attention. to the healing procedure and to improved results. Most medical carelessness instances arise out of the infirmary context. wherein a patient is treated at the infirmary by a doctor who is either an employee of the infirmary or a staff doctor. Over the last 30 old ages or so. the â€Å"liability envelope† has expanded significantly. with unsusceptibility going disused and fresh theories of liability being applied to enforce liability on infirmaries for both direct and vicarious liability. A equal reappraisal is a retrospective rating of public presentation or unwanted results to find if the recognized criterions of attention were met. and to urge quality betterments if they were non. The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 provides discreet probes for a physician’s public presentation to guarantee one is run intoing the recognized criterions of attention. HMOs provide medical intervention on a postpaid footing. which means that HMO members pay a fixed monthly fee. regardless of how much medical attention is needed in a given month. In return for this fee. most HMOs provide a broad assortment of medical services. from office visits to hospitalization and surgery. With a few exclusions. HMO members must have their medical intervention from doctors and installations within the HMO web. The size of this web varies depending on the single HMO. Mentions Bihari. M. ( 2010. April 15 ) . What are the differences between health maintenance organization and ppos? . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //healthinsurance. about. com/od/understandingmanagedcare/a/HMOs_vs_PPOs. htm Campbell. A. ( 2011. July 28 ) . Tip of the hebdomad: Critical duties for effectual inadvertence of the equal reappraisal procedure. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hcpro. com/MSL-269092-871/Tip-of-the-week-Critical-responsibilities-for-effective-oversight-of-the-peer-review-process. html Miller. P. ( 2010. July 8 ) . Legal ordinance of the physician–patient relationship. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Importance of Greek Burial free essay sample

The Importance of Burial in Greek Religion For the most part, the Greeks did not believe in a different afterlife for the good or bad—i. e. , no heaven or hell. In their view, the afterlife was almost universally grim; the important detail for the dead was whether they were buried or unburied. Those who did not receive proper funeral rites were doomed to wander by the river Styx, the entrance to the Underworld, for eternity; their souls could never be at rest. Thus, denying burial to a corpse not only insulted the body, but also damned his soul for all time. The buried were granted access to Hades, the name of both the Underworld and its king (who was also known as Pluto). In order for the dead to gain this access, a complicated ritual had to be performed. There were few ‘professional undertakers, so a mans funeral fell to his family, especially the women of the family. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Greek Burial or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They prepared the body for cremation, oversaw the collection of the bones and ashes and burial of the urn, provided the tomb with liquid offerings (libations), and led the mourning, a loud and violent process in which women tore their cheeks with their fingernails, ripped out their hair, and poured dirt over the heads and clothing. Mourning the dead was one of the few things women were allowed to do in ancient Greece, especially Athens. Women of well-born families were expected to stay at home in specially designated womens quarters at all times except during certain religions festivals. Marriages were arranged by a girls father or guardian. Women were not true citizens of the democracy and could not speak or vote in the assembly. They were not even allowed to speak in court, a basic right for Athenian men. Burying and mourning their dead relatives gave women an opportunity to do something important for their families. It brought women to the fore and gave them a role to play. When Creon forbids burial of Polynices, he denies Antigone the chance to do one of the few important things society allowed women to do. Thus, he is attacking her identity, and that is a large part of the reason she opposes his orders.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Death of a Salesman commentary Essay Example

Death of a Salesman commentary Essay Example Death of a Salesman commentary Paper Death of a Salesman commentary Paper 1998.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Planning for Success A Product Launch Event Essay

Planning for Success A Product Launch Event - Essay Example Lastly, the report will evaluate the importance of post-event analysis and review for future planning of product launch events. The technological industry and in particular the mobile phone industry is very competitive and it is characterised with continuous innovation and product development, therefore to remain competitive within the industry, a company has to engage in continuous research and development in order to come-up with products that meet customers’ needs and surpass their expectations (Lattanzi et al. 2006). This present report is about Nokia, which is a Finnish Multinational Communications and Information Technology Company, which in the recent past has experienced a decline of its’ market share because of stiff competition within the market especially from rival companies such as Apple and Samsung (Saylor, 2012). As a response to the current competition at the market, Nokia manufactured the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820, which have distinctive features that other Smart phones do not have. The two new Nokia products have launched in other countries but they are yet to launch officially in South Africa. This report therefore will document on the planning and reviewing of the marketing event that will be held in South Africa. The report will state on how Nokia will use the launch event to create awareness about the two new products and even try to generate huge sales for the two new products during their launch. According to the writings by Steinbock (2010), in the past Nokia has taken a back seat in the Smartphone industry mainly due to the intensive competition that comes from other giant such as Apple and Samsung. The company is betting or pegging high hopes on the new products that include the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820 to revamp its position as the market leader in the Smartphone industry. Thou, the two new products were officially

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The building institute of training and developing Essay

The building institute of training and developing - Essay Example The process of demolishing and rebuilding is a process of perciceness, safety, professional surveying of the project so it is done correctly, and cost effectiveness. It is a basis process which from start to finish of making sure that all regulations are correctly handled, and that the process is done accurately.The process of removing as-pesos must be done with the windows shut so that it does not escape from the house. This then makes it so that you can remove the asbestos quickly from the front door and bring it in a proper disposal unit. Then the stench of asbestos does not remove. The employees removing the asbestos protect their health. Asbestos is a very dangerous problem when inhaled or gotten on the skin, so the overalls must cover every inch of the body, and protect the one that puts the asbestos in the proper dumping mechanism. It must be disposable so that it does not contaminate any area which the clothes may be. Washing the clothes may ruin a washer with putting the che mical in it, so it is policy that the clothes are disposable.Air conditioner sheets must be removed and not reused due to circulation within the air vents of asbestos. This way it prevents any asbestos that gets in the air ducts from contaminating the house. The air conditioner vents must be removed and replaced to ensure that none leaks from the air vent and gets any in the house once the project is finished. The air conditioner parts must be taken down and ready to be cleaned at the end of the project. ... then the overalls and masks used by the personnel are thrown away with the asbestos TASK 2 The type of loads are important. There are relevant loads that must be used. There are the basic parts of the home that must be loaded up along with the different parts of the gutted interior. This would include the basic framework of the innards of the house; which could probably just be brought out the front door. You may want to remove all of the old interiors, all of the floor boards, and correctly tear down the home; leaving loads for the construction. They may want to tear down the floor boards, the roof, and organize it in loads of efficiency. This can then be done problematically and automatically. This process then tears down the home and makes it cost efficient once all of the parts of the home are removed. TASK 3 There are several needed professionals which you must acquire to then commence with building. You must first consult an Architect, who will draw out the basic lay out off the home. You consult with him with how much space you want in the rooms, how many rooms it has, and what you want the basic layout of the house to be like. He will draw out a design trying to meet your specifications. The architect must then work with a residential designer, which scopes out the zoning procedures of the neighborhood in which the house is being built. This will make sure that the lay out the architect has drawn match the houses in the area, and meet zoning restrictions of how you are allowed to build a house in the area. A designer then designs the basic details of the house working with them and the residential designer makes sure the set up

Monday, November 18, 2019

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care Research Paper

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care - Research Paper Example imilar in their occurrences that pay no regard to national borders and, therefore, no country or community is immune from terrorism and disasters, not even the perpetrators of terrorism themselves. However, depending on the levels and type of preparedness of governments, communities and individuals, vulnerability to terrorism and disasters vary on a wide scale (UNGA, 2012). The most obvious consequences of terrorism and disasters are the setbacks impacted on economic and social development, disruption of water and electricity supply and the crippling of communications and transportation systems. Agreeably, some countries in the developed world are sufficiently prepared to recover from these disruptions, even though the costs in terms of time and finances are considerably high. However, terrorism and disasters also present constant threats to public health, especially among older adults with conditions and disabilities that call for extra assistance, those with chronic diseases and to families with children who have special needs. More importantly, the effects are of magnitudes that surpass the affected communities’ capability to manage with their own resources (UNGA, 2012). It is critical for authorities and communities to plan how they will respond to these vulnerable groups when stricken with terrorism or disasters. Among the preparedness measures is taking care of medication and equipment, notifying health professionals and moving to special shelters. This paper will research and discuss on the topic of preparing for terrorism and disasters in the new age of health care. The presence of threats to public health cannot be doubted, as is manifested in nuclear, natural, terrorist, biological, radiological and chemical incidents. Apart from the traditional causes of health problems which are mainly diseases, terrorist attacks and disasters compound the effects of the complexity of the threats. The impacts these events have on a nation’s well-being are more

Friday, November 15, 2019

Steps in Company Formation

Steps in Company Formation INTRODUCTION A company is a group of persons associated together for the attainment of a common end, social or economic. Or we can say a company is an association of individuals formed for some common purpose. The company incorporated under the section 3 (1)(i) of the Companies Act 1956 or some earlier company Acts. Companies incorporated under the companies Act 1956 are mostly business companies but they may also be formed for promoting art, research, charity, commerce, or any other useful purpose. A company, formed and registered under the Company Act, is regarded by law as a single person, having specified rights and obligations. The law confers on a company a distinct legal personality, with perpetual succession and a common seal. OBJECTIVE OF THE TERM PAPER The objective of the company formation is To know, grasp the application of the corporate business law. To know about the essential step to company formation To know what are the essential documents regarding to the company formation. To know about the legal formalities that is required for the formation of company. FORMATION OF PUBLIC STEEL INDUSTRY STEP 1- SELECTION OF THE TYPES OF THE COMPANY:- We are forming PUBLIC COMPANY, section 3(1) (iv) of the companies Act 1956. We establish a steel industry. It is basically the manufacturing industry of steel. STEP 2-SELECTION OF NAME FOR THE PROPOSED COMPANY:- For the selection of name for the company following measures are taken by my team members:- CIRCULARS:- GENERAL CIRCULARS which are issued by the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS. It is send or issued to all the registrars of the company and it is also issued to the regional and board of directors of the company. We have kept in all the parameters regarding the formation and naming of the steel company in steel sector. For example, we have kept in mind what all things and legal aspects are important for the formation of company and what all are its requirements. ACTS AND BILLS:- After we had finished up with the circulars and other legal formalities under company bill we then move to billing part. Under this various clauses are involved such as:- Short title Commencement and application Memorandum Articles of association Companys register charges Removal of board of director MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION THE COMPANY ACT, 1956 MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF GANDHI TELECOM LTD Contents of Memorandum: The memorandum of association of every company must contain the following clauses given below:- Name clause- The name of the company is mentioned in the name clause. A public limited company must end with the word Limited Name of company:- Gandhi Telecom ltd. Gupta Telecom ltd. Prashant Telecom ltd. Sham Telecom ltd. Dines Telecom ltd. Gupta telecom name is already registered Prashant is not suitable for the company Sham and Dines not agreed by the members. So we decided the name GANDHI TELECOM LTD Registered Office clause- 176, urban estate, Industry area, Phagwara, pin code: 144401 Object clause- This clause is the most important clause of the company. It specifies the activities which a company can carry on and which activities it cannot carry on. The company cannot carry on any activity which is not authorized by its MOA. This clause must specify:- To provide communication service as like local calls, S.T.D calls, local and National SMS across India and I.S.D calls. To provide value added service. To provide internet services. To provide broadband services. TO increase the market share. To provide the wider range network. OBJECTS OTHER OF THE MAIN OBJECT ARE: To enter into arrangement for sharing profit, union of interest, cooperation or joint venture with any person firm or company. To appoint to deal with or to act as agents, sub agents, dealers, sub-dealers, Distributors for selling or purchasing or dealing with the product s or services related to the business of the company. To do all such acts and things as may be necessary to carry out business of the Company. Liability clause:- The word company in this memorandum when company applied otherwise then to this company shall whenever the context so required or admits be deemed to include any authority, partnership or other body of person whether domiciled in India or elsewhere. The liability of the member is limited by share. The authorized share capital of company is Rs. 50, 00,00000 Submission of document of the Company: For the registration of the company, it is essential to ascertain from the Registrar Of Companies if the proposed name of the company is approved. Then the following documents duly stamped together with the necessary fees are to be filled with the Registrar. Memorandum of association, prepared according to the company act 1956, and signed by at least 7 persons in the case of public company. And duly signed by subscribers. The Articles of association, the public ltd company is limited by guarantee and private companies are limited by shares. The agreement, if any, which the company proposes to enter into with any individual for appointment as its managing or whole time director or manager [sec. 33(1)]. The list of the directors who have agreed to become the first directors of the company and their written consent to act as director and take up qualification shares. A declaration by any of the following persons, an advocate, an attorney or a pleader, a chartered accountant , or a person named in the articles as director, manager, or secretary of the company. The registration fees of a company are fixed on the graduated scale on the amount of nominal capital or the number of members. There is also a filing fee per document. If the Registrar is satisfied that all the required documents of the act have been compiled with, he will register the company and issue a certificate called the Certificate of Incorporation. FORM NO. 1 Registration No. of Company 14456. Nominal Capita: Rs50crore . THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956 on application for registration of a company [Pursuant to section 33(2)] Name of Company GANDHI TELECOM LTD Limited/Private Limited Presented by Sham sunder Gandhi I, ., of do solemnly and sincerely Declare that I am [1] major who is engaged in the formation of the company, or a person Named in the articles as a director/manager/secretary of the Limited/Private Limited. And that all the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956, and the rules thereunder in respect of matters precedent to the registration of the said company and incidental thereto have been complied with. And make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true. Date 25-11-2009 Sham sunder Place phagwara Signature Witness Rajesh Sham Sunder Designation 1. An advocate of the Supreme Court of the NOA . High Court, an attorney or a pleader entitled to appear before the ..NOA. High Court or a chartered accountant practicing in India. 2. State whether director, manager / secretary /advocate/ chartered account. FORM NO. 18 Registration No. of the Company 14456 Nominal Capital: Rs50crore THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Notice of the situation/change of situation of registered office [pursuant to section 146] Name of the company GANDHI TELECOM LTD Notice is hereby given that - (a) the registered office of the company is situated .with effect from 22-11-2009 [date] (b) the situation of the registered office of the company of was changed from NOA to with effect form . [date] Situation of registered office falls under the jurisdiction of (name of the police station).* Dated this Day of 19 Sham sunder Signature SHAM SUNDER GANDHI Name (In Block Capitals) Sham Sunder Designation . FORM NO 29 Registration No. of Company ..14456 Nominal Capital Rs. 50crore. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Consent to act as director of a company and/or undertaking to take and pay for qualification shares [pursuant to section 264(2)/266(I)(a) and 266(1)(b)(iii)] Name of company .GANDHI TELECOM Limited Presented by ..SHAM SUNDER. To the Registrar of Companies NOA. . I, the undersigned, hereby testify my consent to act as director of the .. limited, .. pursuant to section 264(2)/266(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956 and certify that I have not been disqualified to act as a director under sections 267 and/or 274 of the Companies Act, 1956. I, the undersigned having consented to act as director of the Limited, also hereby undertake to take from the said company and pay for .. shares of Rs. .. each, being the number/value of the shares prescribed as the qualification shares for the office of director of the said company. Name and surname in full and fathers names Address Occupation Date of birth Nationality Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vijay Kumar Mehli gate, Phagwara Business 15-4-1984 INDIAN Vijay Signature: SHAM SUNDER.. Designation .Sham Sunder.. Dated the day of .. 19 Notes: (1) Delete the portion not applicable. (2) If a director signs through his agent authorised in writing, the authority must be produced before the Registrar. (3) In case of undertaking to take and pay for qualification shares, the from should be accompanied by the necessary stamp duty. FORM NO. 32 Registration No. of Company 14456. Nominal Capital Rs. 50CRORE THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Particulars of appointment of directors and manager and changes among them [Pursuant to section 303(2)] Name of Company .GANDHI TELECOM LTD Presented by SHAM SUNDER Note: If a company has no particulars to be included in one or two of the headings ‘A ‘B and ‘C the parts containing those headings (in respect of which the company has no particulars to be included) need not be filed. A. Appointment of and changes among directors. Name or names and surname in full Fathers/ husbands name Usual residential address Nationality Date of appointment or change Brief particulars of changes 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. vijay kumar Madan Baanga Mehli Gate Phagwara INDIAN 10-4-2009 NO Notes: (1) A note of changes should be made in column 6 e.g. by inserting against the name of new director, etc. the words â€Å"in place of and by indicating against the name of the former director, the cause for the change, e.g. by death, resignation, retirement by rotation, disqualification etc. (2) In case of managing director, his designation should be stated with his name in columan1. B. [***] C. Appointment of and changes in manager ship and secretary ship. Name or names and surname in full Fathers/ husbands name Usual residential address Nationality Date of appointment or change Brief particulars of changes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rajesh Kumar Pardeep kumar jalandhar INDIAN 10-4-2009 NO Dated the day of ..19 Signature .SHAM SUNDER. DesignationSham Sunder.. Notes: (1) For the purposes of this form, particulars of a person appointed as manager within the meaning of section 2(24) of the Companies Act, 1956 need be given. (2) A note of change as also the cause of change e.g. by death, resignation, removal, disqualification, etc. should be stated in column 6. Article of Association The Gandhi telecom Limited contains following rules and regulations and also bye-laws for the internal management of the affairs of a company. The articles are next in importance to the Memorandum of Association which contains the fundamental conditions upon which alone a company is allowed to be incorporated. They are as such subordinate to, and controlled by, the Memorandum. Contents of Articles Share capital The Share capital of the company is Rs. 50, 00, 00,000 (Rupees fifty crore only). They have been divided into 10 crore Equity shares of Rs.100 each (Twenty rupees only), with the provision of the company Act, 1956 Capital of the company The capital of the company may increase from time to time, by the creations of the new shares. This increase in the amount is to be divided among all the shares holders. Reduction of capital The Company may subject from time to time by special promise will reduce its capital or Share Premium Account in any manner for the time being authorized by law and capital may be paid off in the future. Share and certificate The share certificates will be issued free of cost to all the shareholders of the company. The shares in the capital shall be numbered progressively according to their value. Any share forming part of any increased capital of the company shall be under the control of the Directors who may issue and allot or otherwise dispose of the same or any one of them to such persons n such proposition and on such terms and conditions. Acceptance of shares Any application signed by or on the applicant for shares in the company followed by an allotment of any share there in shall be an acceptance of shares within the meaning of these Articles. Renewal of Share Certificate No fee shall be charged for the issue of new shares certificates in the replacement of the old ones. Calls on shares Company may from time to time, subject the terms on which any shares may have been issued and subject to the conditions o allotment which is passed at a meeting of the Board. Share warrant The company may issue share warrants subject to and in accordance with the provisions of sections 114and 115. The Board may in its discretion with respect to any share which is fully paid up on applications in writing signed by the persons registered as holder of the shares. Transfers of shares The transfer of shares from one person to the other person will be made but with the information of the company. This change will be also made in the companys shareholders Catalogue. Forfeiture of the shares The shares of any shareholder can be cancelled if he or she is not able to pay the payment. The forfeiture of a share shall involve extinction, at the time of the forfeiture, of all claims and demands against to the Company in respect of the share and all other rights incidental to the share, except only such of those right as by these Articles are expressly saved. Surrender of shares The Directors may subject to the provisions of the Act, accept a surrender of any from or by any member desirous of surrendering them on such terms as they think fit. Lien on shares The company shall have a first lien upon all the shares, not being fully paid up shares registered in the name of each member and upon the proceeds of the sale thereof for all money called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such shares and no equitable interest in any share shall be created except upon the footing and condition here of is to have full effect. Winding up At the time of winding up the company is going to liquidate all its assets and the amount from the liquidation of the assets will be distributed to the debentures holders and preference share holders first and then afterwards the rest of the amount to the equity share holders. PROSPECTUS General information: Name : GANDHI TELECOM LIMITED Address: 176, Model Town, Industrial Area, Phagwara. Name of stock exchange: Ludhiana Stock Exchange Jalandhar Stock Exchange Chandigarh Stock Exchange Amritsar Stock Exchange Provision of Sub section (1) of section 68 A of the companies Act, 1956 relating to punishment for fictitious Applications. Statement/ declaration about refund of the issue if minimum subscription 90% is not received within 90 days from closure of the issue. Declaration about the issue of allotment letters/refund with in a period of 10 weeks and interest in case of any delay in refund at the prescribed rate under section 73(2) (2a) Date of opening of the issue: 12-december-2009 Date of closing of the issue: 18-12-2009 Date of earliest closing of the issue: 16-12-2009 Name and address of auditors: Vijay deep, Jalandhar. Capital structure of company Authorized Capital: 50 crore Issued capital: 40 crore Subscribed capital: Paid up Capital: ii. Size of present issue giving separately reservation for preferential allotment to promoters and others. Paid up capital: a. after the present the issue b. after conversion of Debentures Term of the present issue Term of present issue Terms of Payments. Right of the instruments holders How to apply-availability of forms, prospectus and mode of payment Any Special tax benefits of the company and its shareholders. Particulars of the issue: Objects To provide communication service as like local calls, S.T.D calls, local and National SMS across India and I.S.D calls. To provide value added service. To provide internet services. To provide broadband services. TO increase the market share. To provide the wider range network. To provide telecom networks and to run and maintain telecom services like basic/fixed line services, cellular/mobile services, paging, video-text, voice mail data systems, private switching network services, transmission networks of all types, computer networks like local area network, wide area network, Electronic Mail, Intelligent network, Multimedia communication systems or the combinations thereof. To promote establish Companies, Funds, Associations or Partnerships for providing telecom networks and/or to run and maintain telecom services like basic/fixed line services, cellular/mobile services, paging, videotext, voice mail and data systems, private switching network services, transmission network of all types, computer networks i.e. local area network, wide area network, Electronic Mail, Intelligent network. To guarantee/ counter guarantee the obligations of any of its subsidiary/ associate/ group companies and/or other companies in which the company has equity interest under any agreements/ contracts/ debentures, bonds, stocks, mortgages, charges and securities. Project cost Means of financing (including contribution of promoters) Company management and project History and main objects and present business of the company. Promoters and their background Name, addresses and occupation of manager, managing director Location of the project Collaboration, The products Following particulars in regard to the company and other listed companies under the same management within the meaning of section370(IB),which made any capital issue during the last 3 years. Name of the company: Gandhi Telecom limited Year of issue: 2009 Type of issue: Public (Public/Rights/composite) Amount of issue: Date of closure of issue Date of completion of delivery of share/debenture certificates. Date of completion the project Where object of the issue was financing of a project Rate of dividend paid Outstanding litigation pertaining to- Matters likely to affect operation and finances of the company including disputed tax liabilities of any nature; and Criminal prosecution launched against the company and the directors for alleged offences Management perception of risk factors (example: sensitivity to foreign exchange rate fluctuations difficulty in availability of raw material in marketing of product cost/time over run etc. SHRILONG Now therefore in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein and intending to be legally bound , the parties here to agree as follows. 1. Terms of agreement : This agreement will be begin [13-11-09] and will end [13-11-2010]. Either party may cancel the agreement in between [15 days] notice to other party in writing by certified personal delivery or by mail. 2.Time needed by them : It is Needed that your company employee will spend approximately [150] hours in these three months contract with the obligation of this contract. In a week a employee must devote minimum of [10] hour by taking care of their personal problems. 3. Place of services : According to the Contract at a location of consultanatss only be considered. The consultant will perform services on seminar halls, auditorium, or any other places as necessary to perform these services according to this agreement. 4. Payment made : We perform services on the rate of Rs 400/hr for work performed in accordance with this agreement extra time will be charged, on services provided. Payment must occurred on first three days of every month. 5. Confidential information : The [Gandhi Telecom ltd] agrees that any information recived during their contract period which concerts to personal, Confidence and will not be revealed to any other persons, firms and organizations. 6. In Witness Where of : The parties here to have excuted this Agreement as of the day and year First above written†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. REFERENCE TO THE INTERNET

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Positive Change In World Through Manipulation of Behavior in B.F Skinne

Positive Change In World Through Manipulation of Behavior in B.F Skinner's Waldo Two   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B.F. Skinner, in his novel Walden Two, presents many arguments about how he foresees a positive change in the world through manipulation of behavior on the personal level. Sigmund Freud, in his works, specifically Civilization and Its Discontents, presents his view of human nature and what is innately problematic about it. Both Freud and Skinner agree that human behavior is the result of outside factors that severely hinder the concept of free will. Skinner believes that humans, in the correct environment, can live happily, while Freud understands that humans are destined to live in "some degree of anguish or discontent."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Skinner uses the ideal setting of Walden Two to illustrate his ideas of how human behavior should be "formed." Much of Skinner's argument on how to eliminate what he knows as problematic rests on his prescription of dismissing the notion of individual freedom. Skinner does not only say that the concept of individual freedom is a farce. He takes it a step further and states that the search for it is where society has gone wrong. He wants no part in the quest for individual freedom. If we give up this illusion, says Skinner, we can condition everyone to act in acceptable ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Skinner has a specific prescription for creating this utopian society. He declares that all that is necessary is to change the conditions which surround man. "G...